About Us

Be part of the conversation.

Practical Content

Alright lets face it we’re just a bunch of guys who love the Lord and want to get together and talk about our own experiences with Him.  Join in the conversation and be part of the message and the Chili crew.

Stories & Articles


The Brotherhood

We strive to make every episode hit home and have practical application in not just the lives of those listening but also in our own.  We all come from different walks of life but we’ve all come together as Brothers in Christ to reach the world.

Our Staff Team

We strive to make every episode hit home and have practical application in not just the lives of those listening but also in our own.  We all come from different walks of life but we’ve all come together as Brothers in Christ to reach the world.

Thomas Stewart

Tom Stewart

Producer, Head of Public Relations, Co-Host & Voice Actor

JC Becker

Justin C Becker

Editor, Co-Host & Voice Actor

Wayne Nutt about us

Wayne Nutt

Co-Host & Voice Actor

Mike B about us

Mike Benfiel

Co-Host & Voice Actor

Israel Soto about us

Israel Soto

Co-Host & Voice Actor